Microsoft Cognitive Language Service - Analyze Text Authoring (stable:2023-04-01)

2024/12/09 • 29 updated methods

TextAnalysisAuthoring_ListProjects (updated)
Description Lists the existing projects.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_ListProjects",
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": {
        "value": {
          "$properties": [
              "#name": "projectKind",
              "Enum": {
                "new": [
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file 2 is classified as B."
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B, and C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                    "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your own data."
                "old": [
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file\n2 is classified as B."
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B,\nand C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                    "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your\nown data."
              "settings": [
                  "#name": "confidenceThreshold",
                  "Description": {
                    "new": "The threshold of the class with the highest confidence, at which the prediction will automatically be changed to \"None\". The value of the threshold should be between 0 and 1 inclusive.",
                    "old": "The threshold of the class with the highest confidence, at which the prediction\nwill automatically be changed to \"None\". The value of the threshold should be\nbetween 0 and 1 inclusive."
              "#name": "language",
              "Description": {
                "new": "The project language. This is BCP-47 representation of a language. For example, use \"en\" for English, \"en-gb\" for English (UK), \"es\" for Spanish etc.",
                "old": "The project language. This is BCP-47 representation of a language. For example,\nuse \"en\" for English, \"en-gb\" for English (UK), \"es\" for Spanish etc."
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects
api-version: string ,
top: integer ,
skip: integer ,
maxpagesize: integer ,

⚐ Response (200)

createdDateTime: string ,
lastModifiedDateTime: string ,
lastTrainedDateTime: string ,
lastDeployedDateTime: string ,
projectKind: enum ,
storageInputContainerName: string ,
confidenceThreshold: number ,
projectName: string ,
multilingual: boolean ,
description: string ,
language: string ,
nextLink: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetProject (updated)
Description Gets the details of a project.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetProject",
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": [
          "#name": "projectKind",
          "Enum": {
            "new": [
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file 2 is classified as B."
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B, and C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your own data."
            "old": [
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file\n2 is classified as B."
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B,\nand C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your\nown data."
          "settings": [
              "#name": "confidenceThreshold",
              "Description": {
                "new": "The threshold of the class with the highest confidence, at which the prediction will automatically be changed to \"None\". The value of the threshold should be between 0 and 1 inclusive.",
                "old": "The threshold of the class with the highest confidence, at which the prediction\nwill automatically be changed to \"None\". The value of the threshold should be\nbetween 0 and 1 inclusive."
          "#name": "language",
          "Description": {
            "new": "The project language. This is BCP-47 representation of a language. For example, use \"en\" for English, \"en-gb\" for English (UK), \"es\" for Spanish etc.",
            "old": "The project language. This is BCP-47 representation of a language. For example,\nuse \"en\" for English, \"en-gb\" for English (UK), \"es\" for Spanish etc."
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

createdDateTime: string ,
lastModifiedDateTime: string ,
lastTrainedDateTime: string ,
lastDeployedDateTime: string ,
projectKind: enum ,
storageInputContainerName: string ,
confidenceThreshold: number ,
projectName: string ,
multilingual: boolean ,
description: string ,
language: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_CreateProject (updated)
Description The most basic operation that applies to a resource.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_CreateProject",
  "$parameters": {
    "body": {
      "$properties": [
          "#name": "projectKind",
          "Enum": {
            "new": [
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file 2 is classified as B."
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B, and C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your own data."
            "old": [
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file\n2 is classified as B."
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B,\nand C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your\nown data."
          "settings": [
              "#name": "confidenceThreshold",
              "Description": {
                "new": "The threshold of the class with the highest confidence, at which the prediction will automatically be changed to \"None\". The value of the threshold should be between 0 and 1 inclusive.",
                "old": "The threshold of the class with the highest confidence, at which the prediction\nwill automatically be changed to \"None\". The value of the threshold should be\nbetween 0 and 1 inclusive."
          "#name": "language",
          "Description": {
            "new": "The project language. This is BCP-47 representation of a language. For example, use \"en\" for English, \"en-gb\" for English (UK), \"es\" for Spanish etc.",
            "old": "The project language. This is BCP-47 representation of a language. For example,\nuse \"en\" for English, \"en-gb\" for English (UK), \"es\" for Spanish etc."
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": [
          "#name": "projectKind",
          "Enum": {
            "new": [
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file 2 is classified as B."
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B, and C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your own data."
            "old": [
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file\n2 is classified as B."
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B,\nand C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your\nown data."
          "settings": [
              "#name": "confidenceThreshold",
              "Description": {
                "new": "The threshold of the class with the highest confidence, at which the prediction will automatically be changed to \"None\". The value of the threshold should be between 0 and 1 inclusive.",
                "old": "The threshold of the class with the highest confidence, at which the prediction\nwill automatically be changed to \"None\". The value of the threshold should be\nbetween 0 and 1 inclusive."
          "#name": "language",
          "Description": {
            "new": "The project language. This is BCP-47 representation of a language. For example, use \"en\" for English, \"en-gb\" for English (UK), \"es\" for Spanish etc.",
            "old": "The project language. This is BCP-47 representation of a language. For example,\nuse \"en\" for English, \"en-gb\" for English (UK), \"es\" for Spanish etc."
    "201": {
      "$properties": [
          "#name": "projectKind",
          "Enum": {
            "new": [
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file 2 is classified as B."
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B, and C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your own data."
            "old": [
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file\n2 is classified as B."
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B,\nand C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your\nown data."
          "settings": [
              "#name": "confidenceThreshold",
              "Description": {
                "new": "The threshold of the class with the highest confidence, at which the prediction will automatically be changed to \"None\". The value of the threshold should be between 0 and 1 inclusive.",
                "old": "The threshold of the class with the highest confidence, at which the prediction\nwill automatically be changed to \"None\". The value of the threshold should be\nbetween 0 and 1 inclusive."
          "#name": "language",
          "Description": {
            "new": "The project language. This is BCP-47 representation of a language. For example, use \"en\" for English, \"en-gb\" for English (UK), \"es\" for Spanish etc.",
            "old": "The project language. This is BCP-47 representation of a language. For example,\nuse \"en\" for English, \"en-gb\" for English (UK), \"es\" for Spanish etc."
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

PATCH:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
projectKind: enum ,
storageInputContainerName: string ,
confidenceThreshold: number ,
projectName: string ,
multilingual: boolean ,
description: string ,
language: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

createdDateTime: string ,
lastModifiedDateTime: string ,
lastTrainedDateTime: string ,
lastDeployedDateTime: string ,
projectKind: enum ,
storageInputContainerName: string ,
confidenceThreshold: number ,
projectName: string ,
multilingual: boolean ,
description: string ,
language: string ,

⚐ Response (201)

createdDateTime: string ,
lastModifiedDateTime: string ,
lastTrainedDateTime: string ,
lastDeployedDateTime: string ,
projectKind: enum ,
storageInputContainerName: string ,
confidenceThreshold: number ,
projectName: string ,
multilingual: boolean ,
description: string ,
language: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_DeleteProject (updated)
Description Deletes a project.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_DeleteProject",
  "$responses": {
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

DELETE:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,

⚐ Response (202)

operation-location: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_Export (updated)
Description Triggers a job to export a project's data.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_Export",
  "$parameters": [
      "#name": "stringIndexType",
      "Description": {
        "new": "Specifies the method used to interpret string offsets. For additional information see",
        "old": "Specifies the method used to interpret string offsets. For additional\ninformation see"
      "#name": "trainedModelLabel",
      "Description": {
        "new": "Trained model label to export. If the trainedModelLabel is null, the default behavior is to export the current working copy.",
        "old": "Trained model label to export. If the trainedModelLabel is null, the default\nbehavior is to export the current working copy."
  "$responses": {
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

POST:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/:export
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
stringIndexType: string ,
assetKind: string ,
trainedModelLabel: string ,

⚐ Response (202)

operation-location: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_Import (updated)
Description Triggers a job to import a project. If a project with the same name already exists, the data of that project is replaced.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_Import",
  "Description": {
    "new": "Triggers a job to import a project. If a project with the same name already exists, the data of that project is replaced.",
    "old": "Triggers a job to import a project. If a project with the same name already\nexists, the data of that project is replaced."
  "$parameters": {
    "body": {
      "$properties": [
          "#name": "stringIndexType",
          "Description": {
            "new": "Specifies the method used to interpret string offsets. For additional information see",
            "old": "Specifies the method used to interpret string offsets. For additional\ninformation see"
          "Enum": {
            "new": [
                "The offset and length values will correspond to UTF-16 code units. Use this option if your application is written in a language that support Unicode, for example Java, JavaScript."
            "old": [
                "The offset and length values will correspond to UTF-16 code units. Use this\noption if your application is written in a language that support Unicode, for\nexample Java, JavaScript."
          "metadata": [
              "#name": "projectKind",
              "Enum": {
                "new": [
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file 2 is classified as B."
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B, and C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                    "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your own data."
                "old": [
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file\n2 is classified as B."
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B,\nand C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                    "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your\nown data."
              "settings": [
                  "#name": "confidenceThreshold",
                  "Description": {
                    "new": "The threshold of the class with the highest confidence, at which the prediction will automatically be changed to \"None\". The value of the threshold should be between 0 and 1 inclusive.",
                    "old": "The threshold of the class with the highest confidence, at which the prediction\nwill automatically be changed to \"None\". The value of the threshold should be\nbetween 0 and 1 inclusive."
              "#name": "language",
              "Description": {
                "new": "The project language. This is BCP-47 representation of a language. For example, use \"en\" for English, \"en-gb\" for English (UK), \"es\" for Spanish etc.",
                "old": "The project language. This is BCP-47 representation of a language. For example,\nuse \"en\" for English, \"en-gb\" for English (UK), \"es\" for Spanish etc."
          "assets": [
              "#name": "projectKind",
              "Enum": {
                "new": [
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file 2 is classified as B."
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B, and C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                    "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your own data."
                "old": [
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file\n2 is classified as B."
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B,\nand C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                    "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your\nown data."
  "$responses": {
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

POST:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/:import
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
projectFileVersion: string ,
stringIndexType: enum ,
projectKind: enum ,
storageInputContainerName: string ,
confidenceThreshold: number ,
projectName: string ,
multilingual: boolean ,
description: string ,
language: string ,
projectKind: enum ,

⚐ Response (202)

operation-location: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_Train (updated)
Description Triggers a training job for a project.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_Train",
  "$parameters": {
    "body": {
      "$properties": [
          "#name": "evaluationOptions",
          "Description": {
            "new": "Represents the evaluation options. By default, the evaluation kind is percentage, with training split percentage as 80, and testing split percentage as 20.",
            "old": "Represents the evaluation options. By default, the evaluation kind is\npercentage, with training split percentage as 80, and testing split percentage\nas 20."
          "$properties": [
              "#name": "kind",
              "Description": {
                "new": "Represents the evaluation kind. By default, the evaluation kind is set to percentage.",
                "old": "Represents the evaluation kind. By default, the evaluation kind is set to\npercentage."
              "Enum": {
                "new": [
                    "Split the data into training and test sets according to user-defined percentages."
                    "Split the data according to the chosen dataset for every example in the data."
                "old": [
                    "Split the data into training and test sets according to user-defined\npercentages."
                    "Split the data according to the chosen dataset for every example in the data."
              "#name": "trainingSplitPercentage",
              "Description": {
                "new": "Represents the training dataset split percentage. Only needed in case the evaluation kind is percentage.",
                "old": "Represents the training dataset split percentage. Only needed in case the\nevaluation kind is percentage."
              "#name": "testingSplitPercentage",
              "Description": {
                "new": "Represents the testing dataset split percentage. Only needed in case the evaluation kind is percentage.",
                "old": "Represents the testing dataset split percentage. Only needed in case the\nevaluation kind is percentage."
  "$responses": {
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

POST:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/:train
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
modelLabel: string ,
trainingConfigVersion: string ,
kind: enum ,
trainingSplitPercentage: integer ,
testingSplitPercentage: integer ,

⚐ Response (202)

operation-location: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_ListDeployments (updated)
Description Lists the deployments belonging to a project.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_ListDeployments",
  "$responses": {
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/deployments
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
top: integer ,
skip: integer ,
maxpagesize: integer ,

⚐ Response (200)

deploymentName: string ,
modelId: string ,
lastTrainedDateTime: string ,
lastDeployedDateTime: string ,
deploymentExpirationDate: string ,
modelTrainingConfigVersion: string ,
nextLink: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetDeployment (updated)
Description Gets the details of a deployment.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetDeployment",
  "$responses": {
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/deployments/{deploymentName}
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
deploymentName: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

deploymentName: string ,
modelId: string ,
lastTrainedDateTime: string ,
lastDeployedDateTime: string ,
deploymentExpirationDate: string ,
modelTrainingConfigVersion: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_DeployProject (updated)
Description Creates a new deployment or replaces an existing one.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_DeployProject",
  "$responses": {
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

PUT:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/deployments/{deploymentName}
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
deploymentName: string ,
trainedModelLabel: string ,

⚐ Response (202)

operation-location: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_DeleteDeployment (updated)
Description Deletes a project deployment.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_DeleteDeployment",
  "$responses": {
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

DELETE:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/deployments/{deploymentName}
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
deploymentName: string ,

⚐ Response (202)

operation-location: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetDeploymentStatus (updated)
Description Gets the status of an existing deployment job.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetDeploymentStatus",
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": {
        "errors": {
          "$properties": [
              "#name": "innererror",
              "Description": {
                "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
                "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/deployments/{deploymentName}/jobs/{jobId}
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
deploymentName: string ,
jobId: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

jobId: string ,
createdDateTime: string ,
lastUpdatedDateTime: string ,
expirationDateTime: string ,
status: enum ,
code: string ,
message: string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_SwapDeployments (updated)
Description Swaps two existing deployments with each other.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_SwapDeployments",
  "$responses": {
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

POST:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/deployments/:swap
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
firstDeploymentName: string ,
secondDeploymentName: string ,

⚐ Response (202)

operation-location: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetSwapDeploymentsStatus (updated)
Description Gets the status of an existing swap deployment job.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetSwapDeploymentsStatus",
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": {
        "errors": {
          "$properties": [
              "#name": "innererror",
              "Description": {
                "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
                "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/deployments/swap/jobs/{jobId}
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
jobId: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

jobId: string ,
createdDateTime: string ,
lastUpdatedDateTime: string ,
expirationDateTime: string ,
status: enum ,
code: string ,
message: string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetExportStatus (updated)
Description Gets the status of an export job. Once job completes, returns the project metadata, and assets.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetExportStatus",
  "Description": {
    "new": "Gets the status of an export job. Once job completes, returns the project metadata, and assets.",
    "old": "Gets the status of an export job. Once job completes, returns the project\nmetadata, and assets."
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": {
        "errors": {
          "$properties": [
              "#name": "innererror",
              "Description": {
                "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
                "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/export/jobs/{jobId}
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
jobId: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

jobId: string ,
createdDateTime: string ,
lastUpdatedDateTime: string ,
expirationDateTime: string ,
status: enum ,
code: string ,
message: string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
resultUrl: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetImportStatus (updated)
Description Gets the status for an import.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetImportStatus",
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": {
        "errors": {
          "$properties": [
              "#name": "innererror",
              "Description": {
                "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
                "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/import/jobs/{jobId}
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
jobId: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

jobId: string ,
createdDateTime: string ,
lastUpdatedDateTime: string ,
expirationDateTime: string ,
status: enum ,
code: string ,
message: string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_ListTrainedModels (updated)
Description Lists the trained models belonging to a project.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_ListTrainedModels",
  "$responses": {
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/models
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
top: integer ,
skip: integer ,
maxpagesize: integer ,

⚐ Response (200)

label: string ,
modelId: string ,
lastTrainedDateTime: string ,
lastTrainingDurationInSeconds: integer ,
modelExpirationDate: string ,
modelTrainingConfigVersion: string ,
hasSnapshot: boolean ,
nextLink: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetTrainedModel (updated)
Description Gets the details of a trained model.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetTrainedModel",
  "$responses": {
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/models/{trainedModelLabel}
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
trainedModelLabel: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

label: string ,
modelId: string ,
lastTrainedDateTime: string ,
lastTrainingDurationInSeconds: integer ,
modelExpirationDate: string ,
modelTrainingConfigVersion: string ,
hasSnapshot: boolean ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_DeleteTrainedModel (updated)
Description Deletes an existing trained model.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_DeleteTrainedModel",
  "$responses": {
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

DELETE:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/models/{trainedModelLabel}
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
trainedModelLabel: string ,

⚐ Response (204)


⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_LoadSnapshot (updated)
Description Long-running operation.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_LoadSnapshot",
  "$responses": {
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

POST:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/models/{trainedModelLabel}/:load-snapshot
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
trainedModelLabel: string ,

⚐ Response (202)

operation-location: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetModelEvaluationResults (updated)
Description Gets the detailed results of the evaluation for a trained model. This includes the raw inference results for the data included in the evaluation process.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetModelEvaluationResults",
  "Description": {
    "new": "Gets the detailed results of the evaluation for a trained model. This includes the raw inference results for the data included in the evaluation process.",
    "old": "Gets the detailed results of the evaluation for a trained model. This includes\nthe raw inference results for the data included in the evaluation process."
  "$parameters": [
      "#name": "stringIndexType",
      "Description": {
        "new": "Specifies the method used to interpret string offsets. For additional information see",
        "old": "Specifies the method used to interpret string offsets. For additional\ninformation see"
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": {
        "value": {
          "$properties": [
              "#name": "projectKind",
              "Enum": {
                "new": [
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file 2 is classified as B."
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B, and C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                    "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your own data."
                "old": [
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file\n2 is classified as B."
                    "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B,\nand C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                    "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your\nown data."
              "#name": "language",
              "Description": {
                "new": "Represents the document language. This is BCP-47 representation of a language. For example, use \"en\" for English, \"en-gb\" for English (UK), \"es\" for Spanish etc.",
                "old": "Represents the document language. This is BCP-47 representation of a language.\nFor example, use \"en\" for English, \"en-gb\" for English (UK), \"es\" for Spanish\netc."
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/models/{trainedModelLabel}/evaluation/result
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
trainedModelLabel: string ,
top: integer ,
skip: integer ,
maxpagesize: integer ,
stringIndexType: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

projectKind: enum ,
location: string ,
language: string ,
nextLink: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetModelEvaluationSummary (updated)
Description Gets the evaluation summary of a trained model. The summary includes high level performance measurements of the model e.g., F1, Precision, Recall, etc.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetModelEvaluationSummary",
  "Description": {
    "new": "Gets the evaluation summary of a trained model. The summary includes high level performance measurements of the model e.g., F1, Precision, Recall, etc.",
    "old": "Gets the evaluation summary of a trained model. The summary includes high level\nperformance measurements of the model e.g., F1, Precision, Recall, etc."
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": [
          "#name": "projectKind",
          "Enum": {
            "new": [
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file 2 is classified as B."
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each file can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B, and C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your own data."
            "old": [
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile will have only one label. For example, file 1 is classified as A and file\n2 is classified as B."
                "For building a classification model to classify text using your own data. Each\nfile can have one or many labels. For example, file 1 is classified as A, B,\nand C and file 2 is classified as B and C."
                "For building an extraction model to identify your domain categories using your\nown data."
          "evaluationOptions": [
              "#name": "kind",
              "Description": {
                "new": "Represents the evaluation kind. By default, the evaluation kind is set to percentage.",
                "old": "Represents the evaluation kind. By default, the evaluation kind is set to\npercentage."
              "Enum": {
                "new": [
                    "Split the data into training and test sets according to user-defined percentages."
                    "Split the data according to the chosen dataset for every example in the data."
                "old": [
                    "Split the data into training and test sets according to user-defined\npercentages."
                    "Split the data according to the chosen dataset for every example in the data."
              "#name": "trainingSplitPercentage",
              "Description": {
                "new": "Represents the training dataset split percentage. Only needed in case the evaluation kind is percentage.",
                "old": "Represents the training dataset split percentage. Only needed in case the\nevaluation kind is percentage."
              "#name": "testingSplitPercentage",
              "Description": {
                "new": "Represents the testing dataset split percentage. Only needed in case the evaluation kind is percentage.",
                "old": "Represents the testing dataset split percentage. Only needed in case the\nevaluation kind is percentage."
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/models/{trainedModelLabel}/evaluation/summary-result
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
trainedModelLabel: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

projectKind: enum ,
kind: enum ,
trainingSplitPercentage: integer ,
testingSplitPercentage: integer ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetLoadSnapshotStatus (updated)
Description Gets the status for loading a snapshot.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetLoadSnapshotStatus",
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": {
        "errors": {
          "$properties": [
              "#name": "innererror",
              "Description": {
                "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
                "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/models/{trainedModelLabel}/load-snapshot/jobs/{jobId}
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
trainedModelLabel: string ,
jobId: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

jobId: string ,
createdDateTime: string ,
lastUpdatedDateTime: string ,
expirationDateTime: string ,
status: enum ,
code: string ,
message: string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_ListTrainingJobs (updated)
Description Lists the non-expired training jobs created for a project.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_ListTrainingJobs",
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": {
        "value": {
          "$properties": {
            "errors": {
              "$properties": [
                  "#name": "innererror",
                  "Description": {
                    "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
                    "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/train/jobs
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
top: integer ,
skip: integer ,
maxpagesize: integer ,

⚐ Response (200)

jobId: string ,
createdDateTime: string ,
lastUpdatedDateTime: string ,
expirationDateTime: string ,
status: enum ,
code: string ,
message: string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
modelLabel: string ,
trainingConfigVersion: string ,
percentComplete: integer ,
startDateTime: string ,
endDateTime: string ,
status: enum ,
percentComplete: integer ,
startDateTime: string ,
endDateTime: string ,
status: enum ,
estimatedEndDateTime: string ,
nextLink: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetTrainingStatus (updated)
Description Gets the status for a training job.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetTrainingStatus",
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": {
        "errors": {
          "$properties": [
              "#name": "innererror",
              "Description": {
                "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
                "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/train/jobs/{jobId}
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
jobId: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

jobId: string ,
createdDateTime: string ,
lastUpdatedDateTime: string ,
expirationDateTime: string ,
status: enum ,
code: string ,
message: string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
modelLabel: string ,
trainingConfigVersion: string ,
percentComplete: integer ,
startDateTime: string ,
endDateTime: string ,
status: enum ,
percentComplete: integer ,
startDateTime: string ,
endDateTime: string ,
status: enum ,
estimatedEndDateTime: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_CancelTrainingJob (updated)
Description Triggers a cancellation for a running training job.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_CancelTrainingJob",
  "$responses": {
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

POST:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/{projectName}/train/jobs/{jobId}/:cancel
api-version: string ,
projectName: string ,
jobId: string ,

⚐ Response (202)

operation-location: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,
TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetProjectDeletionStatus (updated)
Description Gets the status for a project deletion job.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "TextAnalysisAuthoring_GetProjectDeletionStatus",
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": {
        "errors": {
          "$properties": [
              "#name": "innererror",
              "Description": {
                "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
                "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Description": {
              "new": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.",
              "old": "An object containing more specific information than the current object about\nthe error."

⚼ Request

GET:  /authoring/analyze-text/projects/global/deletion-jobs/{jobId}
api-version: string ,
jobId: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

jobId: string ,
createdDateTime: string ,
lastUpdatedDateTime: string ,
expirationDateTime: string ,
status: enum ,
code: string ,
message: string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,
details: object ,
target: string ,
innererror: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: enum ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: enum ,
message: string ,