Azure AI Face API (preview:v1.2.1)

2025/01/18 • 1 updated methods

LivenessSessionOperations_GetLivenessWithVerifySessions (updated)
Description List sessions from the last sessionId greater than the 'start'. The result should be ordered by sessionId in ascending order.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "LivenessSessionOperations_GetLivenessWithVerifySessions",
  "Description": {
    "new": "List sessions from the last sessionId greater than the 'start'.\n\nThe result should be ordered by sessionId in ascending order.",
    "old": "List sessions from the last sessionId greater than the \"start\".\n\nThe result should be ordered by sessionId in ascending order."

⚼ Request

GET:  /detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions
start: string ,
top: integer ,

⚐ Response (200)

id: string ,
createdDateTime: string ,
sessionStartDateTime: string ,
sessionExpired: boolean ,
deviceCorrelationId: string ,
authTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds: integer ,

⚐ Response (default)

x-ms-error-code: string ,
code: string ,
message: string ,