Microsoft.KeyVault (stable:7.5)

2025/01/15 • 8 updated methods

FullBackup (updated)
Description Creates a full backup using a user-provided SAS token to an Azure blob storage container.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "FullBackup",
  "$parameters": [
      "#name": "api-version",
      "Description": {
        "new": "The API version to use for this operation.",
        "old": "Client API version."
      "#name": "azureStorageBlobContainerUri",
      "Description": {
        "new": "Azure blob shared access signature token pointing to a valid Azure blob container where full backup needs to be stored. This token needs to be valid for at least next 24 hours from the time of making this call.",
        "old": "Azure blob shared access signature token pointing to a valid Azure blob container where full backup needs to be stored. This token needs to be valid for at least next 24 hours from the time of making this call"
      "Required": {
        "new": true,
        "old": false
  "$responses": {
    "202": {
      "$properties": [
          "#name": "status",
          "Enum": {
            "new": [
                "The operation is in progress."
                "The operation successfully completed."
                "The operation was canceled."
                "The operation failed."
            "old": []
          "error": [
              "#name": "innererror",
              "Type": {
                "new": "string",
                "old": "object"
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Type": {
              "new": "string",
              "old": "object"

⚼ Request

POST:  /backup
api-version: string ,
storageResourceUri: string ,
token: string ,
useManagedIdentity: boolean ,

⚐ Response (202)

azure-asyncoperation: string ,
retry-after: integer ,
status: enum ,
statusDetails: string ,
code: string ,
message: string ,
innererror: string ,
startTime: integer ,
endTime: integer ,
jobId: string ,
azureStorageBlobContainerUri: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: string ,
message: string ,
innererror: string ,
FullBackupStatus (updated)
Description Returns the status of full backup operation
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "FullBackupStatus",
  "$parameters": [
      "#name": "api-version",
      "Description": {
        "new": "The API version to use for this operation.",
        "old": "Client API version."
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": [
          "#name": "status",
          "Enum": {
            "new": [
                "The operation is in progress."
                "The operation successfully completed."
                "The operation was canceled."
                "The operation failed."
            "old": []
          "error": [
              "#name": "innererror",
              "Type": {
                "new": "string",
                "old": "object"
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Type": {
              "new": "string",
              "old": "object"

⚼ Request

GET:  /backup/{jobId}/pending
api-version: string ,
jobId: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

status: enum ,
statusDetails: string ,
code: string ,
message: string ,
innererror: string ,
startTime: integer ,
endTime: integer ,
jobId: string ,
azureStorageBlobContainerUri: string ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: string ,
message: string ,
innererror: string ,
SelectiveKeyRestoreOperation (updated)
Description Restores all key versions of a given key using user supplied SAS token pointing to a previously stored Azure Blob storage backup folder
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "SelectiveKeyRestoreOperation",
  "$parameters": [
      "#name": "api-version",
      "Description": {
        "new": "The API version to use for this operation.",
        "old": "Client API version."
      "#name": "restoreBlobDetails",
      "Required": {
        "new": true,
        "old": false
  "$responses": {
    "202": {
      "$properties": [
          "#name": "status",
          "Enum": {
            "new": [
                "The operation is in progress."
                "The operation successfully completed."
                "The operation was canceled."
                "The operation failed."
            "old": []
          "error": [
              "#name": "innererror",
              "Type": {
                "new": "string",
                "old": "object"
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Type": {
              "new": "string",
              "old": "object"

⚼ Request

PUT:  /keys/{keyName}/restore
api-version: string ,
keyName: string ,
storageResourceUri: string ,
token: string ,
useManagedIdentity: boolean ,
folder: string ,

⚐ Response (202)

azure-asyncoperation: string ,
retry-after: integer ,
status: enum ,
statusDetails: string ,
code: string ,
message: string ,
innererror: string ,
jobId: string ,
startTime: integer ,
endTime: integer ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: string ,
message: string ,
innererror: string ,
FullRestoreOperation (updated)
Description Restores all key materials using the SAS token pointing to a previously stored Azure Blob storage backup folder
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "FullRestoreOperation",
  "$parameters": [
      "#name": "api-version",
      "Description": {
        "new": "The API version to use for this operation.",
        "old": "Client API version."
      "#name": "restoreBlobDetails",
      "Description": {
        "new": "The Azure blob SAS token pointing to a folder where the previous successful full backup was stored.",
        "old": "The Azure blob SAS token pointing to a folder where the previous successful full backup was stored"
      "Required": {
        "new": true,
        "old": false
  "$responses": {
    "202": {
      "$properties": [
          "#name": "status",
          "Enum": {
            "new": [
                "The operation is in progress."
                "The operation successfully completed."
                "The operation was canceled."
                "The operation failed."
            "old": []
          "error": [
              "#name": "innererror",
              "Type": {
                "new": "string",
                "old": "object"
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Type": {
              "new": "string",
              "old": "object"

⚼ Request

PUT:  /restore
api-version: string ,
storageResourceUri: string ,
token: string ,
useManagedIdentity: boolean ,
folderToRestore: string ,

⚐ Response (202)

azure-asyncoperation: string ,
retry-after: integer ,
status: enum ,
statusDetails: string ,
code: string ,
message: string ,
innererror: string ,
jobId: string ,
startTime: integer ,
endTime: integer ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: string ,
message: string ,
innererror: string ,
RestoreStatus (updated)
Description Returns the status of restore operation
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "RestoreStatus",
  "$parameters": [
      "#name": "api-version",
      "Description": {
        "new": "The API version to use for this operation.",
        "old": "Client API version."
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": [
          "#name": "status",
          "Enum": {
            "new": [
                "The operation is in progress."
                "The operation successfully completed."
                "The operation was canceled."
                "The operation failed."
            "old": []
          "error": [
              "#name": "innererror",
              "Type": {
                "new": "string",
                "old": "object"
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Type": {
              "new": "string",
              "old": "object"

⚼ Request

GET:  /restore/{jobId}/pending
api-version: string ,
jobId: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

status: enum ,
statusDetails: string ,
code: string ,
message: string ,
innererror: string ,
jobId: string ,
startTime: integer ,
endTime: integer ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: string ,
message: string ,
innererror: string ,
GetSettings (updated)
Description Retrieves a list of all the available account settings that can be configured.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "GetSettings",
  "$parameters": [
      "#name": "api-version",
      "Description": {
        "new": "The API version to use for this operation.",
        "old": "Client API version."
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": {
        "settings": {
          "$properties": [
              "#name": "type",
              "Enum": {
                "new": [
                    "A boolean setting value."
                "old": [
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Type": {
              "new": "string",
              "old": "object"

⚼ Request

GET:  /settings
api-version: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

name: string ,
value: string ,
type: enum ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: string ,
message: string ,
innererror: string ,
GetSetting (updated)
Description Retrieves the setting object of a specified setting name.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "GetSetting",
  "$parameters": [
      "#name": "api-version",
      "Description": {
        "new": "The API version to use for this operation.",
        "old": "Client API version."
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": [
          "#name": "type",
          "Enum": {
            "new": [
                "A boolean setting value."
            "old": [
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Type": {
              "new": "string",
              "old": "object"

⚼ Request

GET:  /settings/{setting-name}
api-version: string ,
setting-name: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

name: string ,
value: string ,
type: enum ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: string ,
message: string ,
innererror: string ,
UpdateSetting (updated)
Description Description of the pool setting to be updated
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "UpdateSetting",
  "$parameters": [
      "#name": "api-version",
      "Description": {
        "new": "The API version to use for this operation.",
        "old": "Client API version."
  "$responses": {
    "200": {
      "$properties": [
          "#name": "type",
          "Enum": {
            "new": [
                "A boolean setting value."
            "old": [
    "default": {
      "$properties": {
        "error": [
            "#name": "innererror",
            "Type": {
              "new": "string",
              "old": "object"

⚼ Request

PATCH:  /settings/{setting-name}
api-version: string ,
setting-name: string ,
value: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

name: string ,
value: string ,
type: enum ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: string ,
message: string ,
innererror: string ,