Microsoft.Insights (stable:2019-07-01)

2024/12/11 • 1 updated methods

Metrics_List (updated)
Description **Lists the metric values for a resource**. This API used the [default ARM throttling limits](
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "Metrics_List",
  "Description": {
    "new": "**Lists the metric values for a resource**. This API used the [default ARM throttling limits](",
    "old": "**Lists the metric values for a resource**."
  "$parameters": [
      "#name": "metricnames",
      "Description": {
        "new": "The names of the metrics (comma separated) to retrieve. Limit 20 metrics.",
        "old": "The names of the metrics (comma separated) to retrieve."

⚼ Request

GET:  /{resourceUri}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metrics
resourceUri: string ,
timespan: string ,
interval: string ,
metricnames: string ,
aggregation: string ,
top: integer ,
orderby: string ,
$filter: string ,
resultType: string ,
api-version: string ,
metricnamespace: string ,
AutoAdjustTimegrain: boolean ,
ValidateDimensions: boolean ,

⚐ Response (default)

code: string ,
message: string ,

⚐ Response (200)

cost: number ,
timespan: string ,
interval: string ,
namespace: string ,
resourceregion: string ,
id: string ,
type: string ,
value: string ,
localizedValue: string ,
displayDescription: string ,
errorCode: string ,
errorMessage: string ,
unit: enum ,
value: string ,
localizedValue: string ,
value: string ,
timeStamp: string ,
average: number ,
minimum: number ,
maximum: number ,
total: number ,
count: number ,